They believed that each number has its meaning and character. The principle of Pythagoras school was “All is number” or “God is number.” As mentioned by Aristotle, Pythagoreans mostly used their knowledge of science in spiritualism. His third incarnation was as a philosopher of Hermotimus and last was as Pyrrhus, a fisherman from Delos. According to him, his first incarnation was Aethalides as the son of Hermes, the second was a minor hero of the Trojan war, Euphorbus. He also mentioned in one of his poems that he could recollect his former incarnation. As said by other philosophers, Pythagoras used to claim that he could remember his previous four lives in detail. Pythagoras mentioned that after death, the soul gets transferred into another body. Metempsychosis means the transmission of the soul from one body to another. This is among one of the teachings of Pythagoras. It is said that he was a ‘true’ mathematician and we owe ‘pure’ mathematics to him. He worked more on the mystical study of mathematics rather than its practical application. Besides Pythagoras theorem, there are many more significant contributions made by him. It is still a mystery that whether his most famous theorem Pythagorean Theorem was also developed by him or by his followers. Whatever facts and principles are known today in his name are the work done by his scholars or Philolaus. This resulted in conflicts, and Pythagoras, along with his followers, had to move to Metapontum, where he died. When Croton got victory over Sybaris, then some prominent citizens of Croton wanted democracy, but Pythagoreans refused to adopt that. His followers were known as Pythagorean scholars.
He taught his student how to save the human soul through mathematical principles.

Around 530 BC, Pythagoras and his family moved to Croton, Southern Italy, where he started his school. Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician and philosopher who lived around 570 BC in Samos, which is now an island in Greek.